Newelectronx Reviews, Rating, and Feedback

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Total Reviews: 5429

Overall Score:  4.6

Use It Right And This Is One Tool You Will Buy Once In Your Life

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 1 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 2 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 3 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 4 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) (Authentic Customer Review)
Warners New York United States Of America
In Stock $39.91 $27.26

This tool right here is the gold standard for cable tools. IMHO No one makes a tool for this job as far as I know that can outlast and out do this tool. I have the very first one I bought a few years ago and still counting. Use it right and this is one tool you will buy once in your life. How many times can we say that about a tool now a days. Simply the best period. Durable and Performs well! I mostly carry this cable tool with me every day.

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How To Open A Cable Ped

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Key Shouldered Star Lock 5 ratings reviews 1 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Key Shouldered Star Lock 5 ratings reviews 2 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Key Shouldered Star Lock 5 ratings reviews 3 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Key Shouldered Star Lock 5 ratings reviews 4 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Key Shouldered Star Lock 5 (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
In Stock $42.14 $28.42

As a cable locator I use these alot for miscellaneous Star Keys to Open Cable Boxes. I find myself challenged each time I get a new assignment. the pressing question is always the same how to open a cable ped without getting fired. i find myself spending allot of time buying replacement security drivers and wrenches to crack open the ped without kicking in the lock with my steel toes. owning the right tool makes unlock slambox easy.

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Love The Coupons And Savings

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 4 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
Elmhurst Illinois United States Of America
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

i own one of these for myself and i love it so much that i have come back with a coupon and purchased a few for my buddies in our coffee forum. i love the way that the coupons can be used for anyone. i just recently gave one to a friend to use because i didn't think that i would use it. she should be leaving a feedback about her review shortly also. anyways, just wanted to say thanks, but ended up rambling.

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Very Pleased With The Ease Of Ordering On Line. Went Very Smooth.

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 1 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 2 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 3 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 4 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
In Stock $21.85 $10.38

to unscrew a time warner cable termination lock and those channel LK03009276 locks - i like to use a few cable termination lock tools that i buy here. I ordered on-line and found the service to be excellent. Product arrived on time and was exactly what I was looking for.

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Blazing Fast Shippint

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 1 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 2 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 3 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the ratings reviews 4 :: Heavy duty spring locked cable pedestals, satellite cabinet enclosures, and many other popular peds contain the (Authentic Customer Review)
Fresno California United States Of America
In Stock $21.85 $10.38

recently i lost a few cable tools including a cable box p key. this one is perfect for replacing my lost cable box keys; and shipping was super freaking fast. thanks.

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8 Point Cabinet Key

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 1 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 2 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 3 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV)ratings reviews 4 :: The Star Key Tool 8 Point Star Flower Slam Box CATV Security Open Tool is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) (Authentic Customer Review)
SAM M***
Webster New York United States Of America
In Stock $39.91 $27.26

Good quality tool. Does the job well.

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No More Broken Cable Boxes

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: This 7 and 8 point cable box key is a combo security key set that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 7 aratings reviews 1 :: This 7 and 8 point cable box key is a combo security key set that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 7 aratings reviews 2 :: This 7 and 8 point cable box key is a combo security key set that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 7 aratings reviews 3 :: This 7 and 8 point cable box key is a combo security key set that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 7 aratings reviews 4 :: This 7 and 8 point cable box key is a combo security key set that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 7 a (Authentic Customer Review)
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania United States Of America
In Stock $53.71 $38.64

i got this cable tool to open a few locked cable pedestal box cabinets. they fit rather nicely. it is easy to use and the teeth fit the groove without pressing down hard. a gentle turn of the handle is all that is necessary to open up cable boxes. now i won't be breaking any more ped locks.

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Great Value Than Other Sites!

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

103pc tool kits is a great value on this website because other sites will charge $50 and up for the same product. I like buying my tools here because I'm saving money in my pocket for quality tools.

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A Must Purchase

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Security Shield Tool, Cable Slotted Wrench Shield Key, Security Sleeve Tool, CATV Security Tool, CATV Security Sratings reviews 1 :: Security Shield Tool, Cable Slotted Wrench Shield Key, Security Sleeve Tool, CATV Security Tool, CATV Security Sratings reviews 2 :: Security Shield Tool, Cable Slotted Wrench Shield Key, Security Sleeve Tool, CATV Security Tool, CATV Security Sratings reviews 3 :: Security Shield Tool, Cable Slotted Wrench Shield Key, Security Sleeve Tool, CATV Security Tool, CATV Security Sratings reviews 4 :: Security Shield Tool, Cable Slotted Wrench Shield Key, Security Sleeve Tool, CATV Security Tool, CATV Security S (Authentic Customer Review)
JON H***
Quebec Montreal Canada
In Stock $21.98 $7.81

on the back of my cable box was a round cylinder that wouldn't allow me to move my cable box from one room to another. for whatever reason the cable installer placed it on my cable tv box. Well, with this unlocking tool, let me into the cable box protection shield to unscrew the coax cable. The funny thing is I can also use it outside on the side of my house. finally fixed what those cable installers hacked up and left poor connections killing my tv signals and the main purpose of the locking tool cable GR 6 was to move my cable box from the living room into the bed room when I wanted to.

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Open Jura Capresso

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 4 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
Canada British Columbia Kelowna
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

The Jura Capresso comes with a few cleaning tablets and a cleaning program. the recommended jura Auto Espresso Cleaning Tabs work great; and normally i would highly recommend using them. in this case, a tablet could not fix what was aching my capresso. for a significant amount of cash, shipping efforts, and cost the good old follks of jura would happily repair the push button on my jura. last time i sent it to them, they opened it up and perhaps used tablets to clean the brewer and some contact cleaner to restore function in the push button. presuming this information i thought i would follow the advice that i found on a jura maintenance blog. this purchase for the tools was highly recommended within that blog as well. after receiving the oval screwdriver, in a timely manner. i wasn't disappointed. and the epitome of my happiness came once i successfully hack through the oval screws, cleaned the brew group myself. seeing all the residue that the tablets actually leave behind. now i know several cleanings with the tablets is necessary for future. then there came the push button. i actually replaced the one in the machine with a brand new aftermarket push button. i am proud to say the capresso has never sounded so good and tasted so great.

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Taking Apart A Jura Impressa F7

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 4 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
Kingston Kingston Jamaica
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

once i got the panels off i started by cleaning brewing unit. this fixed the malfunction 8 without removing and dismantling anything else. cleaning the parts i could see was easy once i got the oval screws out. thank you for the fast shipping to kingston.

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Considered Must-Have

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
Paris France
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

my pc is a working project that i from time to time revisit: building and maintaining it is sometimes intense. unique special tools are essential to make life easier. keeping the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and my pc performing its best required some of these screwdrivers in this set. i found it handy in building, cleaning, and keep the dust bunnies out my computer.

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Gaming Tools And Screwdrivers

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
Seattle Washington United States Of America
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

been attempting to repair and improve some classic gaming consoles to start a collection of my own. saw on youtube that owning the right tools and screwdrivers makes a huge difference between a good and bad experience with console hacking, moding, and repairs. happy to have made this choice, this set includes pretty much every console and some handheld screwdrivers that i need to preserve my classic video games and consoles.

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