So I had a Jura Capresso Error 8 problem. The Capresso got stuck in open tap filling system. At the time I had no idea what to do. The only thing I could think of doing was opening the tab. When I did all it would say is filling system, then close tap. When I closed the tap it goes back into open tap. Terrible! From a visual check the Float valve seemed to be working okay and the water was moving - tank water flows? So what gives? Screen on the e-8 inlet wasn't clear. when this would happen i would unplug for 15min to see if i could get lucky with a reset. sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't. making me late for work or embarrassing moments when a guest wanted a cup of java. limited research allowed me to first find this screwdriver set and second - that the open tap and close tap is nothing more than a loop that the jura gets stuck into. because the machine doesn't see any water flow - which is weird, because i saw water flow (or at least) i thought i did. the reason is what i think i had, the water flow wasn't enough when the water pump was on. it was rather slow. also i discovered clearly that the flow sensor was stuck. after taking off the four oval screws and torx screws using the bits - i got to the round white plastic assembly with two water hoses and a electrical connection. it was under the water tank. aw! i took it apart and cleaned out a ton of calcium, coffee sludge, and some slimy mold that was stuck in there. after i was done, the frozen paddles wheels spun freely while blowing into the inlet. i think this would have cost at least $100us to fix in a repair shop.