I was going to buy this kit on ebay.. price seemed decent enough.. but noticed the brand and decided to buy direct from the manufacturer. Turns out the price was even better buying direct.
The shipping of the product was extremely fast and I put it to use in my first hobby project, opening up a Wii.
Well, I could not find the right bit to use on the tri-wing screw. There were all too big. I bought the kit specially for this job, maybe I bought the wrong kit or so I thought. "Now I'll have to deal with tech support". The nightmare of every buyer or so I thought. Turns out Tech support was extremely fast, I used the ticket system and before 10 minutes had passed, I was receiving an answer. I was asked to take a photo of the screw and send it, which I did. I was thinking it would be the next day before I got another answer, but no.. it was immediate also. To make my story short. There was no tri-wing bit small enough to open the wii (it needs a tri-wing size 0) but they are going to send me one free of charge to make my kit complete. You don't get this kind of service very often, but when you do, you want to let everybody know. Thanks Newelectronx. You guys are doing an awesome job.