Newelectronx Reviews, Rating, and Feedback

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Total Reviews: 5429

Overall Score:  4.6

Contractors Personal Cable Tool

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Shouldered Star Lock Key doratings reviews 1 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Shouldered Star Lock Key doratings reviews 2 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Shouldered Star Lock Key doratings reviews 3 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Shouldered Star Lock Key doratings reviews 4 :: Each key pattern is precisely assigned to ensure maximum compatibility. The Shrouded Shouldered Star Lock Key do (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
In Stock $42.14 $28.42

Cheap, practical, 5 sided star CATV tool for the job.

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Repeat Customer Clientele

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 1 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 2 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 3 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 4 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Pa (Authentic Customer Review)
Richardson Texas United States Of America
In Stock $81.04 $35.67

mostly always, i will not buy anything off line if the company doesn't accept paypal. in today's world it is hard to trust people, especially those on the Internet. seriously you don't know who you're buying from, what business ethics they really practice - or don't, or their level of honesty. This is a major hurdle that i face with Internet business and why i prefer paypal only buys. Whenever money, sensitive personal information, credit card numbers and the like is concerned i only trust in those that accept paypal. i feel those are honest reputable and a loyal places to buy. i was overwhelmed by the amount of repeat customers your company had. that's what made me finally decide to purchase here - that and the fact that i couldn't find the item i needed anywhere else. also some blogs spoke highly of you. it made me change my perception (at least about you). your shipping speed is fast, your credit card purchasing system is very secure and highly sensitive. i felt safe giving my personal information and credit card number to your site. the product is amazing, the packaging was over-the-top, and the personalized plastic box was innovated. the customer service was awesome - they answered every question i had through the ticket system within minutes of me asking. i am blown away by the level respect and friendly service you showed to me; and to top it off, i didn't even order a large amount of product. yet, you still treated me like i made your day. good job and keep it up!

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Experience Was Excellent

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Oval Pan Head Security Screw Hand Driver (Oval Pan Head Driver Socket) is a special security hand driver made avratings reviews 1 :: Oval Pan Head Security Screw Hand Driver (Oval Pan Head Driver Socket) is a special security hand driver made avratings reviews 2 :: Oval Pan Head Security Screw Hand Driver (Oval Pan Head Driver Socket) is a special security hand driver made avratings reviews 3 :: Oval Pan Head Security Screw Hand Driver (Oval Pan Head Driver Socket) is a special security hand driver made avratings reviews 4 :: Oval Pan Head Security Screw Hand Driver (Oval Pan Head Driver Socket) is a special security hand driver made av (Authentic Customer Review)
Kennesaw Georgia United States Of America
In Stock $99.99 $60.27

I ordered the wrong part which was discovered when i reviewed my orders confirmation email. It was like 30 minutes after ordering. Boy I felt, dumb. When I contacted customer service through the ticket, they promptly helped me find what I was originally trying to order. They swapped the wrong item out from the order and then placed the correct item that I needed in the order. All this was done with no questions or issues; and most of all they didn't make feel stupid or dumb. Thank you very much - that defines a caring customer-oriented organization. I would definitely shop here again and let other know what stand up company this is. Good job!

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Great Convenient Tools For The Household

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

The set has everything I need to open up consoles and it even comes with every day tools.

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Quick Shipping

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 1 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 2 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 3 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Paratings reviews 4 :: This cable box key is a combo security key that is referred to as a Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star Pa (Authentic Customer Review)
Virginia Beach Virginia United States Of America
In Stock $81.04 $35.67

helping our clients maintain their underground utility systems and preventing damage is the main focus of our team of 110. to deliver quality efficient fast service with cutting edge solutions, we use these Self Lock Security Key 8 and 6 Point Star pattern Combo in the field because they don't strip. protecting our clients critical assets deserves the best; and using the best pedestal nut drivers is what we need. i thought it was important from one company to another to share this with you all in order to promote positive synergy and keep on the right track of doing great work. looking forward to more business with you all in the future. sincerely Gregory Eduardo f

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Needed For Pro Peak Power Supply Screws

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Tamper Proof Security Screwdriver Bit Access Tool Kit Set 101 Pieces is a collection of unique hard to find profratings reviews 1 :: Tamper Proof Security Screwdriver Bit Access Tool Kit Set 101 Pieces is a collection of unique hard to find profratings reviews 2 :: Tamper Proof Security Screwdriver Bit Access Tool Kit Set 101 Pieces is a collection of unique hard to find profratings reviews 3 :: Tamper Proof Security Screwdriver Bit Access Tool Kit Set 101 Pieces is a collection of unique hard to find profratings reviews 4 :: Tamper Proof Security Screwdriver Bit Access Tool Kit Set 101 Pieces is a collection of unique hard to find prof (Authentic Customer Review)
Ontario Port Union Canada
Out of Stock $29.75 $12.51

The only way that I could see opening the ProPeak was to dremel up a flat head screwdriver. Luckily before I went forth with it. A friend with a similar problem recommended this case. I've bought similar screwdriver cases like this for a little less, but steered clear because they didn't last after one use. I've used a few bits in my drill and yes, I opened up the pro peak power supply easily. So I'm confident not using the dremel this time was the right choice; besides now I have a screwdriver for almost any situation ;) and the bits i used in the drill look great - no missing teeth :)

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A Must Buy!

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 4 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
United States Of America
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

I was so amazed when I purchased my last order. The company did a complete overhaul of their product and packaging. I received an influx of positive feedback regarding the quality and cosmetics of the product. The 102 piece set (Jura) continues to be durable and easy to use. The handle that comes with this set is allows you to be flexible, helps you get into those tight places, and has magnetic inserts so you never lose you bits. Super Upgrades.

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Great Web Site. Order Was Shipped Promptly. Would Recommend And Use Again.

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
Capitola California United States Of America
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

I used this to take out the four proprietary screws that hold together the Nintendo Virtual Boy gaming system. To get the four screws that hold the shell together out, you’ll need a long-handled screwdriver like this amazing 4.5mm external Line-Head bit. I was going to buy one off eBay, but found this site; and after a comparison of some forum reviews and stuff I took a chance and ordered here because the price as cheap and some things that were said that I liked. Can't say I am disappointed at all. Going to work on some Super Nintendo, N64, and Game Boy systems next - since i have an amazing macro bit set to take out any screw!

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Real People - Hard To Find

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 1 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 2 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 3 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t beratings reviews 4 :: The 103 piece security bit screwdriver set fills the void between manufacturer and technician. It can’t be (Authentic Customer Review)
Buffalo New York United States Of America
Out of Stock $42.20 $18.94

I had been looking around for a macro bit set. Found it here at a good price. Ordered; and the item arrived in the mail early with FREE shipping. I fairly enjoy fixing things on a regular basis. My first repair with this macro set was on the Nintendo Virtual Boy; and I was pleased the way it worked. The handle is comfortable and the magnetized head is a plus for grabbing those screws deep in the hole and pulling them upward and out. I finally have another company to save on my FAV list, you'll want to put them on your FAV list too - once you witness their service. This company really enjoy what they do.

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This Is A First Rate Company And I Will Return Again

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: Security fasteners and tamper resistant screws are those fasteners that provide an added level of security by thratings reviews 1 :: Security fasteners and tamper resistant screws are those fasteners that provide an added level of security by thratings reviews 2 :: Security fasteners and tamper resistant screws are those fasteners that provide an added level of security by thratings reviews 3 :: Security fasteners and tamper resistant screws are those fasteners that provide an added level of security by thratings reviews 4 :: Security fasteners and tamper resistant screws are those fasteners that provide an added level of security by th (Authentic Customer Review)
Frisco Texas United States Of America
In Stock $27.03 $9.98

So happy with the delivery and 3.6mm and 4.8 mm Nintendo screwdrivers. I actually got the screwdriver for me but my friend ended up with them. So I ordered another set. Thanks again!

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Worked Perfect

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: The Star Key Tool 5 Point LR Slam Pedestal Lock Key is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) slam lock pedestalratings reviews 1 :: The Star Key Tool 5 Point LR Slam Pedestal Lock Key is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) slam lock pedestalratings reviews 2 :: The Star Key Tool 5 Point LR Slam Pedestal Lock Key is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) slam lock pedestalratings reviews 3 :: The Star Key Tool 5 Point LR Slam Pedestal Lock Key is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) slam lock pedestalratings reviews 4 :: The Star Key Tool 5 Point LR Slam Pedestal Lock Key is a telecommunication (SATV, CATV, MATV) slam lock pedestal (Authentic Customer Review)
Germantown Maryland United States Of America
In Stock $39.75 $27.17

got to my house quick. i would buy from here again.

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Cant Fault Product Very Happy

5.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 4 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
Niagara Falls New York United States Of America
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

been looking for the screwdriver bits to take off the oval screws from the nespresso gemini cs100. Shipping was received ahead of schedule and I am very happy with my purchase! especially because i have already gotten started to disassemble the cs100.

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Ordering Made Easy

4.00/5.00 ratings reviews 0 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 1 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 2 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic waratings reviews 3 :: It doesn’t matter if your mission is dedicated to the safety of the environment by diverting electronic wa (Authentic Customer Review)
Boynton Beach Florida United States Of America
Out of Stock $43.78 $18.32

I've been looking for this tool and for the same price I get 102 tools how good is that :)

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