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Topic(s) found under 'Manuals / Downloads'
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  You probably thought that Newelectronx benefited from going paperless to save money on buying paper, right? Well, we decided to go paperless for another important reason. We try not to provide any papers like printed invoices, manuals, and the like because statistics indicate that C02 emissions are the main cause of global warming, and paper processes are a primary contributor to the problem. A mid-sized company with 1,000 employees will produce 30 million pages of paper a year which equates to cutting down 1,369 trees and producing 300,000 pounds of C02 every year. Thus, your invoices, manuals, or even this helpful tip can be optionally emailed, downloaded, or printed from your computer to help us stay green and get further away from the paper habit.

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Why did I not receive any instruction manuals with my purchase

Newelectronx participates in a paperless document delivery system, because we believe that the green


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