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Topic(s) found under 'Ordering, Order Status, Shipping'
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  Our aim is to process and ship any order (small or large) within 24 hours to 72 hours (or less) after your order has been approved. Orders are processed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Since stocks all products and has developed order streamlining and advanced efficiencies, most orders are processed immediately, packaged and shipped the same day.

Once an order has been received by, you will receive periodic e-mails regarding the current status of that order. Within 24 hours of your order being shipped, you will receive an email stating that your order has been shipped.  Your parcel reference number or tracking number for that order will be available on our website at that time. Please consult our order status page or order history page for tracking numbers or reference numbers. Please note that not all shipping methods and shipping companies offered by have real time tracking numbers associated with them. Please refer to our online policy page for more details on tracking numbers and which delivery companies provides the aforementioned feature.

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